Our team
Our global Employee Incentives team is highly skilled at putting in place incentive plans which are right for the company, ensuring that they align with investor expectations and best practice, operate smoothly throughout the corporate life cycle and anticipate any major legal, tax and regulatory issues upfront.
We advise on the full range of management and employee incentive arrangements, including all forms of long-term incentive plans, option plans, cash incentives and tax-favourable plans.
Should you need assistance with establishing share option plans and granting options globally, please contact our team representatives for the relevant jurisdiction, or one of the team below.
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Portugal ECIJA
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Challenge expectation, together
Taylor Wessing is a global law firm that serves the world’s most innovative people and businesses.
Deeply embedded within our sectors, we work closely together with our clients to crack complex problems, enabling ideas and aspirations to thrive.
Together we challenge expectation and create extraordinary results.
Our sectors
Our locations
Argentina* Buenos Aires
Austria Klagenfurt | Vienna
Belgium Brussels
Brazil* Belo Horizonte | Brasilia | Rio de Janeiro | São Paulo
Chile* Santiago de Chile
China Beijing | Hong Kong | Shanghai
Colombia* Bogotá | Bogotá, main office
Costa Rica* Guanacaste | San José
Czech Republic Brno | Prague
Dominican Republic* Santo Domingo
Ecuador* Cuenca | Guayaquil | Manta | Quito
El Salvador* San Salvador
France Paris
Germany Berlin | Düsseldorf | Frankfurt | Hamburg | Munich
Guatemala* Guatemala
Honduras* San Pedro Sula | Tegucigalpa
Hungary Budapest
Mexico* Mexico City
Netherlands Amsterdam | Eindhoven
Nicaragua* Managua
Panama* Panama City
Poland Warsaw
Portugal* Braga | Lisbon | Porto
Puerto Rico* San Juan
Republic of Ireland Dublin
Slovakia Bratislava
South Korea** Seoul
Spain* Barcelona | Canary Islands | Madrid | Pamplona | Seville | Valencia | Vitoria | Zaragoza
UAE Dubai
Ukraine Kyiv
United Kingdom Cambridge | Liverpool | London
Uruguay* Uruguay
USA New York | San Francisco
* Powered by our strategic alliance with leading law firm ECIJA
** In association with DR & AJU LLC
© Taylor Wessing LLP 2024 | 2410-005118
Taylor Wessing statistics published are correct as of 1 January 2024.
This publication is not intended to constitute legal advice. Taylor Wessing entities operate under one brand but are legally distinct, either being or affiliated to a member of Taylor Wessing Verein. Taylor Wessing Verein does not itself provide legal or other services. Further information can be found on our regulatory page.